Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Playing to Learn Genre: Adventure ( Blog 7 )

Adventure Games : An adventure game is a game where you don't have to have fast reflexes , its more of a thinking game where you have to figure out what you are going to do to get to the next level.

1. The game or games that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject:
The game that taught me the most educational value is Super Chick sisters. This game taught me the most about a social issue is because it taught me about how McDonalds and other food places abuse chickens.
2. The game or games that taught me about a new or existing social issue:
There wasn't really any more social issues beside the game Super Chick Sisters.
3. The game or games I liked best:
The game I liked best was ATV Safety .
4. What happens in the game or games:
What happens in this game is that you are supposed to find objects and use them to kill certain monsters. You are supposed to leave to different places where you kill the monsters and unlock other places.
5. How you play the game or games:
You play these games by first looking on what you have to do and then you figure out your strategy on how you are going to get to the next place that your supposed to go to.

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