Thursday, May 24, 2012

Forks Over Knives Flash Project

Monday, May 21, 2012


1. What did you think about the article? I think this article says a lot of information about the Globey awards. I also think that it recognizes everyone that participated in the globeys which is good. 2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and Globaloria, a program that you participate in? It felt really good to read about our school because it shows that its getting the attention it needs and deserve for us as a school to expand. I also like reading about Globaloria because our school is the only school that has it in Texas and I really appreciate it because it teaches us something nobody else is being taught. 3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy? My game was not mentioned in the article but im sure people whos games were mentioned made them feel really great . 4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game? If my game would of been featured in the article I would have liked for the author to say something good about my game and also give information about it. 5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why? I think the author should have mentioned No gangs more maze , which is an 8th graders game because I think its a really good game. Also I know the creator of the game worked really hard and tried her best.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forks Over Knives

What do you think this documentary will be about ?
I think this documentary will be about how forks are better to use then knives , I think. I really think it might have something to do with how people should choose one thing over another.
What do you think the title implies or indicates about the film?
I think the title implies to choose one thing over another.
In the introduction it gave a great amount of statistics . It said the 1/4 four year old children are obese. It also said that we are using more money on health care then on our defense system. The introduction said a lot of stuff but it stated the main idea of the whole documentary. Which is we need to eat healthier.Plant based food id better. Rates of illness' in Norway were very high then when the Germans came the rates went down rapidly , but after it rocketed up. The doctors research show that things were high and then they plummeted. Only a small percentage of cancer is from your genes , and it still matters from what you put into your body.

My Comments

1.) Forest Rats , Green Bugs , 3 Arcos
Micheal ,
You did an amazing job as always on this game. You are very good with computer things like Flash. I really enjoyed playing your game , and I like how you put the facts in there. I learned something from your game and I liked playing it .

2.) No More Game More Maze , La Sopa , 3 Arcos
I think your game is an amazing game . Its really fun to play and very tricky. I think you should continue to make games and put it into the globey awards . It is a very good game . You did a very great job !(:

3.) Find Your Way , Your Choice ? , 3 Arcos
I really liked your game because it focuses on an important topic. I really liked it , you did a very great job .

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Top 3 Choices

1.) Forest Rats , Green Bugs , 3 Arcos
2.) No More Game More Maze , La Sopa , 3 Arcos
3.) Find Your Way , Your Choice ? , 3 Arcos

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Final Game

Our team name is Purple & Yellow. Our title of our game is called cyber bully. The topic of our game is that people who are getting cyber bullied through any technology device. Our learning goal is to teach people how to not bully over the internet and also people who are getting bullied to know how to step up. The player will learn about this topic because there will be a facts page that they must read in order to play the game. I would like to add the codes and improve my game by making it a final , playable game. The most challenging thing about our game is the part where we had to add all of the codes to make the characters and questions work. I am proud that we almost finished our game and all we had to do was add some codes to it.

Monday, March 19, 2012


What is Respect ?
Respect is something like the golden rule. You treat somebody how you would like to be treated . This is what respect is. Respect looks like people working together. Also respect is showing kindness to others. In a classroom respect would look like the students giving their teacher or their work their undivided attention. Also it would look like the teacher giving the students her attention if its needed. In the computer lab, respect looks like not horse playing around and treating the equipment the right way. In the hallways respect looks like people walking not running also it looks like people walking and giving others the chance to get by. During breakfast and lunch , respect is having good manners while you eat . Also not throwing food or anything. When we have visitors or when we visit other places we show respect by if they need our attention we give it to them , also we just continue during our work unless we are needed if they visit us. Also it looks like us not being rude in any way and showing what things we should be doing. I think that everyone should be treated with respect.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Game Demo Slides

Macey ^

Macey ^







I created these slides in flash. These are some of the slides that I have completed in Flash that will go into my game demo.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Hunger Games

Copywrite 2012 Victoria H , I created this in Flash. This is a Title Scene for a game I will be creating called The Hunger games.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Notes 2-23-2012

Need to be completed today :
  • Intro - Victoria
  • Team Intro - Macey
  • Audience - Victoria
  • Gameplay - Macey
  • Learning Goal - Victoria
  • Fun Factor - Macey
  • Smart Factor - Victoria
  • Style Factor - Macey
  • Originality Factor - Victoria
Save As Team name _ Scene Name
Save into sky Drive.

Color Scheme : Grey , Purple , Black , White And Yellow.

Friday, February 10, 2012


This video is really informative. I didnt know that Nike workers were treated to poorly. I thought that because they work for such a big organization that they would get paid more . I think this is a bad thing. People that are working this hard for such a big company that they should be in better living conditions and they shouldnt be treated like this . The children need to go to school because if not they will have to work in the factory which isnt what the parents want Im sure. The parents of the children dont see there children as much as they should. Also Nike just drops trash everywhere and burns them . This lets out toxic fumes and that doesnt help anyone who lives around that area. Kids are paying the price!In this video it shows how people are really scared to just tell the truth about how they work or how they live because they know that there's a possibility that they will be either killed , imprisoned or torchered . I think they should all care about the workers because first of all there people ! Second if it werent for the workers there wouldnt be Nike. If it werent for the workers they wouldnt have anything . Every person they talked to didnt want to talk about it because they didnt want to be threatened or killed.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game.
With this real life experience I would turn it into a game by having the player detect and spot the meteor.
What genre would you focus on?
Th genre I would focus on would be action and adventure.
What skill or topic would your game teach?
The skill it would teach is how to map where things or yourself are and the topic would be geography. I would choose this because its important in case something ever were to happen and even if something doesn't happen .
What would the player have to do in the game?
In the game the player would have to see the point where the meteorite is at and show its coordinates.
What would the hero of your game look like? The enemy?
The hero of my game would be the firefighters rescuing the person that is in trouble , the enemy would be the wild life things that they would have to go through .
What type of animations or sounds would the player see and hear?
The animations would be the water and animals moving and the sounds would be natural sounds .
What would be the title of your game?
The title of my game would be Finding Help.
Draw me a simple title screen in Flash of your game and embed it in the blog post. Remember you can use "Blogging Tips" in the Wiki to retrieved the embed code you will need.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Action Script

A Language used in Flash

Action Script is Coding , functions , movie.
Movement - ( animation ) , Programming .
Programming - Symbols , character movement , sound , buttons , keyboard control , Looping , collision detection , timer , keeping score , drag and drop .
Embedding titles.
Drawing Tools .

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash Reminders

General Rule
* Save Often !Flash File or Flash Drive , Outlook

1 . Place everything in its own layer.
2 . Place corresponding layers in the same folder.
3 . Label layers and folders.
4 . You MUST assign Instance name to all symbols.
5 . Upload ALL of your work to the Wiki , whether it is complete or not .

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Game Habits

What types of games do you enjoy playing?
I enjoy playing board games. I really don't like video games at all they are not good for you and there really mostly about stupid things as there subject. Plus there very addicting and it becomes a bad habit.
What are the titles.?
There are not any titles because I don't play video games. One game I do like but I'm not addicted to is Angry Birds. That's it.
When did you begin playing , and what type of game system was it?
I began playing probably like a couple of weeks ago and on my phone. I really don't play games .
Do your parents or guardians limit the amount of time you are allowed to play games?
My parents don't limit them because I don't play them . I only play like once every two or three weeks. If I did play them a lot they would limit them but I don't so they don't.
Do you think it is possible to get completely get addicted on video games? Why or Why not ?
I think it is possible . I think it is because there are a lot of people that are on the road to getting that way.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Globaloria and Gamefiction , Game Design & Game Mechanics

In Globaloria , I learn a lot of things that have to do with our wiki pages and Flash. We also learn how to make games in Flash. We also learn how to blog about our thoughts. Also about things that we just figure out. I think its easier to think about it and then write it down other wise to just have to say it off the top of your head and say it wrong. Some of t he skills that I have learned are mostly in Flash , the reason is because that's what we work on the most. Five of the skills that I have learned within the two years that I have been here are first of all adding scenes and adding buttons from the Flash. We have also worked on making ideas for our game. Our ideas were social issues so I have learned skills from that too. Also another skill that I have learned is Critical thinking skills. Also another skill is how to work with people more because I was never good at that before. Well first off the game skills I can use to probably get me a scholarship also I can use them to get a great job when I'm older. The other skills such as the Social issues and also critical thinking skills I can get a great job by helping people and also by just being able to do things right. The differences is that one is about how the player interacts with the game. Game design is mostly about the game and what the game is about and how the player will play the game. So basically it is mostly about the game. Game Mechanics is where they focus on how the game works .

Goals for the New Semester ( Blog 14 )

Goals For The Semester ;
1 . Be nicer and positive to people.
2 . Get all A's and B's
3 . Get Better At Basketball
4 . Pass the Test for all subjects.
5 . Grow !(:
6 . Better attitude
7 . Not Talk Back
8 . Stop saying messed up and dawwg
9 . Get better in flash
10. Improve Grades In HISTORY !!!