Thursday, February 17, 2011

Victoria Blog 7 2011

Mad Hot Ballroom

What Is "Teamwork" mean to you?To me teamwork is where you go with a group of people and work on something together.Also it means you don't argue,fight or go against eachother.This film follows P.S 112,P.S 150 and P.S 115 (P.S stands for Public School).
How do you see these students trying to work together?I see that they are trying to work together by telling eachother there faults.Also they work together by not fooling around.They stay focused.They also help eachother on what steps to do and everything else.The danceing brings them together as friends and even closer friends which makes them work better.I think that the main message was to change the childs life.The reason that its this main message was because in the movie they pointed out some of the students and told how they were on the wrong path.Then it showed how they succeded in doing something that they liked.Some of the situsations are that if the parents at home dont care why should you.Also thats why people should find something that they love and be able to do that activity to succeed.How important was teamwork for these students?Teamwork was imoirtant for these students because they all needed a partner and had to get used to being together and helping eachother out.I think the main message is that you need to work together for everything.Also that if you find something that you love it will help you find out what your good at and you can succeed in life.I will work together with my teammates in globaloria by helping everyone in flash.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Victoria Blog 6 2011

Math Video Game
The game that I played was called Math Man.In this game we learn our adding and subtracting.It may not seem so important because we are seventh graders but, it really is important to know the basics.One day you might need to add or subtract to figure something out and those will be the only things that you can use to find the answer that you need.In this game the object is to look at the equation on the top of the spaceship then find the answer on the bottom.But they give you like five different answers and you have to choose the correct one.Also you have to do it before the spaceships get on top of you.If the spaceships get on top of you-you will lose some life or get sick and when the heart on the bottom runs out of the color red you will die and the game will end.This game is helpful because you learn even more ways to add and subtract.Also because it is good refreshment to adding and subtracting because maybe and I'm not saying it is guaranteed to happen but some people might forget the easiest things like adding and subtracting because its not going anywhere you have to use it your whole life.Well also another thing is that you just learn more and more.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Victoria Blog 5 2011

Animal Cruelty

On these games they talked about and worried about how animals are being used in their body parts.On these games they talked about how McDonalds does not use chicken.This game is played by trying to save the princess and the animals.The social issue is that animals are being killed for there meat and that is not good.The game tought about the issue is that they were teaching on how to not kill animals and how McDonalds does it and all that.The second game we played is the J-Lo game.In this game you had to get away from J-Lo and save the animals and inform the workers on what they are working for.They tought the issue by telling us facts about different animals during breaks.Also by including a video.I didnt get to play the last one because it wasnt loading the right way.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Victoria Blog 4 2011


On January 31 we finished watching "The Wizard".Now I will answer the questions stated below and give you a brief summary.At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?-He wants to go to California.What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?-He is tramatized by his twin sisters death.Jimmy likes to stack and build things. How does this relate to video games?-I dont think that it relates to any games I think its just that he would like to forget about his sister.Also it probably does relate to games because video games have a lot of buildings. Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?-I think maybe it is because his sister liked video games.Or maybe its just because it relaxes him.What makes him such an awesome video game player?-Well, I surely do not know what makes him a great video game player.I think he just does it and works so hard on it to forget about his sister.What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before?-The video games that I saw were Mario Bros. and also Arcade Games,Double Dragon and Street Fighter.Yes,I have played some of these games before.I have played the Mario Brothers before when I was younger. How many different game systems do you see in the film?-In this film I only seen about two video game systems.I think its because video games had just been introduced.What did you think about the Power Glove?-I really liked the Power Glove but I dont think that I would be able to use it.The reason I dont think I would be able to use it because it is really difficult to have it on your hand and have to press buttons with the other hand.So thats why I dont think I would be able to do it.

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