Thursday, March 11, 2010


Yesterday we had a visit from a lady that works with flash. I really could not understand what she was saying half of the time because she went really fast. Her name was Shanon. Also she really was mean. But, out of all of it I did learn a lot of things from it. It was fun. We learned how to put our prototype. We learned how to put our code for the hyperlink. The hyperlink lets us go to our flash lash prototypes into our wiki pages. We did learn a lot of things from Shanon but she was very loud. That was good so I could here her. We also learned how to put the code to put our sort of hyperlink to get to our flash just encase we would have to edit our paper folder and work on it from any computer. We also learned how to copy and past the codes in order to make the hyperlink to our flash. In would and probably would not like for the Shanon to come back. But I most likely would like her to come back.

For more information about wiki←click here.

For more infromation about what Shanons job is ←click here.

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