Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March Of The Penguins

1. The challenges that they overcome are hunger because they only have certain times where they go out to sea and eat. They also overcome predators because they go out to sea to eat but, while there eating they have to constantly watch there backs for their enemies. Also Dying and weather.
2. It challenges it because it is in Antarctica where its super cold which affects their livelihood for there young as well.
3. They need to have fur in order to survive the harsh winters. They also need to know how to swim so they can find fish for food and also so they can swim away from predators at any time.
4. It is because when there is no sunlight it gets colder which brings snow storm and it affects the penguins children and also the penguins themselves.
5. It is important because if it is not frozen solid a penguin can easily break through the ice and fall. It is also important because there are a lot of penguins which means a lot of weight which makes it obvious that the ground must be frozen solid.Climate change could negatively impact the ritual because then the penguins will not be able to mate the way they are supposed to.By saying that it automatically states that they are not following the ritual.

1 comment:

  1. Yea i agree they need to watch there back in the water because a seal or whatever their predator is will eat them.(;
