What is your team name?
-Tiger Stars
What is the name of your game?
-Coral Reef Investigation
What is it about? -Our Game is about saving all of the Coral Reefs and how we can save them. It also states which Coral Reefs are dieing.What scenes have you completed? -My Group has completed all of the scenes.What parts of your team page are completed? -All of our team page besides the information on where we got our information from.How much more work do you need to complete?-All we need to complete is putting all of the scenes onto one flash file.
What can you do from now until Friday to get everything finshed and turned in?-What we can do to get everything finished is too work on the buttons and putting the scenes together. What grade would you give yourself in Globaloria overall?- I really do not know it depends on how the game comes out at the end.What are all of the things you have learned this year?-This year I have learned a whole lot I also have learned more then what ive learned last year.What are you proud of in Globaloria?-In Globaloria I am proud of making a game and having it work.How can you improve next year?-Nest year I can improve by learning more and also by making a more complicated game.
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