Math Video Game
The game that I played was called Math Man.In this game we learn our adding and subtracting.It may not seem so important because we are seventh graders but, it really is important to know the basics.One day you might need to add or subtract to figure something out and those will be the only things that you can use to find the answer that you need.In this game the object is to look at the equation on the top of the spaceship then find the answer on the bottom.But they give you like five different answers and you have to choose the correct one.Also you have to do it before the spaceships get on top of you.If the spaceships get on top of you-you will lose some life or get sick and when the heart on the bottom runs out of the color red you will die and the game will end.This game is helpful because you learn even more ways to add and subtract.Also because it is good refreshment to adding and subtracting because maybe and I'm not saying it is guaranteed to happen but some people might forget the easiest things like adding and subtracting because its not going anywhere you have to use it your whole life.Well also another thing is that you just learn more and more.
You wrote a fantastic description of this game. Nice job!