I think Red Ribbon Week is a good way to have a memory of Enrique Camarena (aka KiKi). I think being drug free is important because if you are not drug free you will not succeed. I also think a red ribbon is another way to keep memory of KiKi. I also think that being drug free is important because if you are you an stay fit, help others who are not drug free become drug free. I will help people who are not drug free become drug free. My grandparents used smoked cigarettes. I helped them stop because my grandfather would always get sick. For more information click here KiKi Camarena. I would like to help people forget about drugs forever!! Being drug free is important for my future because if I do not stay drug free I can get sick , and I will not succeed in my life.I think KiKi is a hero because he did try to stop drugs. Also because he risked his life fighting to keep drugs out of peoples lives. I think he is a good man for fighting the drug war. If he were still alive he would be famous.I would of liked to meet KiKi Camarena. It would of been a great honor. I would like to make a difference to the world by helping stop drugs.
i like the drug free pics