They used the computer to solve puzzles which unlocked different things that helped find this Foldit. They were told to solve the puzzles even though they have no background within this subject.
Who can particpate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit?
Anyone with no background in biochemistry can solve these puzzles. I think that they chose people with no background because if people with background research on this would be able to find this Foldit within a short amount of time.
What can critical thinking do for science?
In science critical thinking can be very very helpful because you might need to find something out and we cant use any type of resource. Also it would be helpful with the Stars test.
If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be?
If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be?
If I could design a game to solve a mystery for a disease or illness it would be for cancer. The reason why is because Cancer is a big issue within our community and country as well. I would also do a mystery game for diabetes . Although there is something that makes it better there is still not a really great and accurate cure for it. I would do this because it effects a lot of people individually and also family wise.