Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Epic Mickey

I would like to have a lot of the moving and crashing stuff in my game.I would like to learn how to make the objects move and stuff.I would also like to learn how to make the figure in a good way.I would like to look at the animation.I would also like to put sound on my game.

I got his picture from:http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Epic+Mickey&cbir=vw&mid=9DEC8BB702BE4C0E14A37BE003361633205F5CC9&ru=%2Fimages%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DEpic%2BMickey%26FORM%3DBIFD%23focal%3Db3ff35e356fffc24e9fa935a74931b02%26furl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Floyalkng.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2010%252F07%252FDo-you-wanna-play-with-me-by-nemurism-epic-mickey-mouse-disney-pixar-paint-thinner-filler-club.jpg#

Monday, November 15, 2010

Victoriah #13 2010

"Strange Days on Planet Earth"
Part 4

  • The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is decreasing.
  • These Scientists have to use black nets to catch the plankton so that they won't see it coming. That way it is easier to catch them
  • When the waters are cooler the numbers add but,when the waters are hotter the amount decreases.
  • Plankton are dieing because the water is getting warmer.
  • Some animals in California are driven to the north because of global warming.
  • The reason scientist stress about this is because even though plankton is a small creature they make a big difference in the food web if they die.
  • The tides in the water are affecting the organisms that live on the edge of the land.
  • The crabs heart rate is going up because of the warming of the water.
  • What we put in the atmosphere affects others and the same idea goes for what they do also.
  • It used to be that not a lot of people had asthma in her town but now there are lots of kids that have asthma.She does not know the reason why.
  • Coral Reefs are dieing and getting deceases.
  • Lake Chad used to be Africa's largest lake.Then a decade long drought dried it out.
  • This lake produced so much fish that they built a lab.
  • A different part of the earth is different.Instead of getting heat they are getting dust.
  • Now the scientist believe that the reason those kids are getting asthma is because of the dust in the air.
  • The scientist think that the dust has a small but powerful decease.
  • The scientist found out that there is a decease in the dust.(seafan decease)
  • They are wondering why all of a sudden the dust affects now because the dust has been blowing for a long time and now we are getting the problems.
  • The Indian oceans water temperatures is rising.
  • The energy ripples through the land like a wave in a pool.That brings more dust to the Caribbean.Which is why the kids are getting asthma.

Part 5(Predators)

  • Scientist are starting to think that wild animals are causing for the trees and global warming.
  • They think that we would be better off without them.(Mountain Lions, Tigers, Wolfs,etc.)
  • When the scientist went out into the wild they saw that lots of things have changed.
  • It changed because of a flood that had happened.
  • The forest was full and there was a lot of animals.
  • The monkeys have now ran up to the top of the trees.
  • Since there are not a lot of trees now the monkeys are squished together and now they fight for food.
  • All the animals have gone so destructive.
  • They are blaming the animals because they are spreading deceases and damaging our property's.
  • Yellow stone is the worlds first national park.
  • The park is loosing its soil and is changing as much more.
  • The people from way back have revealed changes.
  • There used to be lots of trees but since 1992 the trees have gone away.But how have they gone away in a protected park range.
  • They thought it was Global Warming but it wasnt.
  • They thought it was a fire, but it wasnt.
  • BY the 1930s Yellow Stones last wolf was dead.By the 1930s wolfs were stated endangered in the U.S.
  • They had to bring wolfs from Canada because they didnt have any.
  • The grass is starting to grow and the trees are staring to come back because the wolfs are back.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Victoriah #13 2010

"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

  • They are finding certain animals in places that they do not belong.
  • They have a team of investigators that look for aliens species.
  • They are spreading disease and devouring our buildings.
  • They are trying to figure out how these things are coming from so far away to their areas.
  • They think that the aliens are destroying their building and houses.
  • The crates are carrying these termites and nobody knows that they are there and what they are planing on doing.
  • People would walk and get attacked by these termites or bugs.
  • They are everywhere in New Orleans, Louisiana because what the houses are made out of (wood) and because of it hot and sticky climates.
  • They have been finding these ways to get rid of them but they keep finding a way back.
  • They groom each other and communicate by vibrating their bodies.
  • 99% of the water had marine creatures that don't belong there in the waters.
  • 2/3 of land mammals might become extinct


  • The raising weather is effecting herds of animals.
  • 60,000 animals have vanished.
  • the carboo go up to the mountain to stay away from
    the mosquitoes because they are a really big threat to them and can cause them to die if it gets worse.
  • It is getting harder for them to find food because Global Warming is causing very bad weather.