This past week we have been working in flash. We have been learning what to do to make the movements and all of that kind of stuff. During flash the only thing that has been confusing and a little hard is the steps. It is confusing because they are to fast and in one step there are a bunch of other steps. I think something that could be done about us being comfortable is that the teacher can go around the class more often to check if we are correct and doing everything the right way. I think that the flash coding is important to remember. I think it is important to remember because later on in your life you will have to do it again maybe. Also later in 7th grade through college you might have to make a game. It is very important to remember the coding also because you might have to use the same coding later on while you are working on your game. Really I do not think flash is hard. I mean sometimes it is but not all the time. Most of the time I follow along and do it right. Then I make a mistake. I think I will get all the training I need here at this school for flash. Most of the times that there are distractions I do not pay any attention to them. But, sometimes when there are big distractions I do get caught of guard. Distractions don't really bother me as much as it does the other kids. It does not keep me from understanding flash at all. For the distractions that I do have I think what can be done about it is that the principal can visit the class out of nowhere to catch the students that are being distractive and have a parent teacher conference or detention. I think that the video tutorials are helpful because they go step by step slowly and they are specific. The reason they are good is because they go slowly and specifically. I think that globaloria could improve on the videos by having the screen not be to blurry. And that's pretty much it about the videos. Some ways that I can make myself better understand flash is that I can follow along on my own computer and I can ask more questions to the teacher , because most of the time I don't ask very many questions. I fe
el that flash is a very helpful think to do. It is very so fun to do also. It is fun to do because we can get confused and then say"oooooohhhhhhh I get it" and then we can laugh about it.I think that it will help me and any others of my classmates in the future because since they have learned it they can have a career in flash.